Saturday, September 13, 2014

There is Not Much Magic in the Moonlight

After the success and acclaim of Woody Allen's last two films, Blue Jasmine (2013), and Midnight in Paris (2011), Allen has missed the mark with his latest film, Magic in the Moonlight. The movie stars Colin Firth as Stanley, the great magician "Wei Ling Soo", who is a true pessimist that finds great pleasure in debunking Psychic Mediums. The Medium he is trying to unmask this time is the incredibly upbeat Sophie Baker, played by Emma Stone.  

The movie began similar to a classic 1920's film, with the credits rolled over a black screen. Magic felt like an awkward throwback to the 1920's in cinema; the staging of the actors, the writing, and the sets all felt like a stage play rather than a movie. Many of the elements simply felt stiff or too overdone. 

It is unfortunate and uncreative of Allen to return to France in the 1920's; the same time and setting of most of Midnight in Paris. In many ways, Magic seemed to be resting on the shoulders of Midnight, not just because of the plot, but also because Magic's score was incredibly similar to that of Midnight's. For Magic in the Moonlight the soundtrack failed to be unique and became extremely repetitive.

The worst offense Allen has committed against the audience is the fact that the 97 minute film felt much more like 120 minutes, which did not support the script or pacing of the movie.
The one positive I can say about Magic, is that the cinematography is absolutely breathtaking. Darius Khondji did a fantastic job bringing us into the world of the 1920's South of France. 

Overall, Magic in the Moonlight felt immature and disappointing. There were some charming moments but they were not enough to make up for all of the film's shortcomings. It's safe to say you can save yourself some time and money by skipping this movie.

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