Tuesday, December 11, 2012

So I've been kind of a hiatus

 School has been VERY hectic but I'm back now and ready to review more films. I think to dip my feet back into the water I'm going to be reviewing Wreck-It Ralph. Next week I'll be reviewing The Hobbit, but more on that later.
Wreck-It Ralph, which stars John C. Reilly, Jack McBrayer, Jane Lynch, and Sarah Silverman, is a very cute and endearing cartoon about a video game villain (Ralph) who no longer wishes to be bad. Writer and director, Rich Moore was able to find a pleasant balance between entertaining both the children and adults who viewed it. It is not often a children film achieves this. The film is a real treat for those who are old enough to remember 8-bit games since the main character's game is that style.

There were some parts of the movie that I really did not enjoy. Although, the animation was quite impressive and all the actors did phenomenal jobs with their voice work, there were just some parts that felt a bit odd or forced.  There was a brief moment when a cartoon version of Skrillex popped on screen  and I really did not enjoy it. It just seemed bizarre to me for him to appear on screen however I can see that maybe his cameo existed in order to appeal to the older audience members. I was also not a fan of the romance between Jane Lynch's character, Calhoun, and Jack McBrayer's character, Felix. Don't get me wrong, I love Jack McBrayer and Felix was such an adorable character, however the romance just felt wrong and very forced. It seemed as though Disney felt there needed to be a romance because it is a Disney movie. The romance was very underdeveloped, very rushed, and just overall threw off the theme of the film.

The film is one about accepting yourself for who you are and it doesn't matter if you are bad or good, as long as you are comfortable with yourself, that's all that matters. This is a very important and endearing message to send to children. It's time to start telling children it doesn't matter what you look like or who you are and that's good.

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