Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Journey Begins

Tonight I am going to the midnight premiere of The Hobbit and I honestly couldn't be more excited. I love The Lord of the Rings; I own all of the extended editions and watch all of them at least twice a year. So needless to say I am a huge fan of the movies and the series.
I know there has been a lot of controversy surrounding the film about Jackson deciding to film the movie at 48 fps when the standard is 24 fps but honestly, this is because we are not used to a frame rate that high and it seems to be more popular with people my age. Regardless, I highly doubt it will stop me from loving the film. Jackson is a visionary and no one could translate Tolkien's world into film quite like him. So I have nothing but high expectations and high hope. I am sure I will not be let down.


  1. Yeah, the movie seems to be getting blasted by critics and fans. Still, I can't wait to see it.

  2. Yeah I enjoyed it a lot. I wrote a review on what I thought of it but the critics mostly don't like it because they felt it was more action and less story, which was a little true.
    Did you see it yet?
